
1-Explain how the international
management process affected by the culture of foreign countries ?


a-the impact of culture on international planning:The international planning function is affected by the various ideas on which normative culture concept are based (encouraging improvement&change,forecasting,controlling destiny).

b-the impact of culture on international organizing:It helps to attain its goals&objectives by determining what tasks need to be done&how authority should be delegated organizing across countries is affected by the culture views held by the society.

c-the impact of culture on international staffing:The culture views held by society have an act on international staffing strategies&policies such as select family members.

d-the impact of culture on international coordinating:It includes individual motivating,communicating,&resolving conflicts.Culture also affects this managerial function (some cultures believe in wide sharing in decision making,other encourage international communications.

e-the impact of culture on international controlling:Controlling is the act of evaluating the performance.Establishing controlling mechanisms across countries is also affected by the culture views held by the society's members,such as on emotional&mystical.

2-How technology advances international management practices ?


Technological advance such as internet&electronic commerce affect international management.reshaping how business thinks about managing its employees.The internet's compression to rethink these patterns,for example employees located throughout the globe can now work in teams>

3-Explain how can global managers face some unethical practices across the internet ?


Global network system needs to be secure against malicious use misuse,and data corruption while protecting the privacy of its users and intellectual property of the vendors.

4-Mention some examples of the common issues of the legal environment that must be given special attention when transact business in foreign country ?


1-retail price maintenance laws.
2-cncellation of distributor wholesaler agreements.
3-product quality regulation&controls.
4-packaging laws.
5-rules of competition.
6-warranty&after-sales exposure.
7-price control,limitation on markups or markdowns.
8-Parents,trademarks&copy rights laws and practices.
___________________________________________________________________________ _

5-Discuss the reasons of internationalizing business operations ?


A-Opportunity reasons:

-Greater profits:many domestic firms have internationalized their operations because managers saw the opportunity to earn greater profits by charging higher prices in the foreign country where a high demand for the product or services or where less competition or where labor was cheaper&where materials cost less than home.

-Appearance of news markets:Population expansion,income growth&technological advancements around the globe have created news markets and demands.

-faster growth in new markets:many organizations often foreign markets becuse because they can grow at faster rate there than they can do in domestic market.

-Obtaining news product for the domestic market:Many individuals from the home market travel abroad&develop a desire for a product that they would like to have available in their home they can obtain product for domestic consumers.

-globalization of financial  markets:Monetary fund,created by The United Nations to encourage&aid world trade and encouraging the extension of loans to less-developed countries.

B-Threat reasons:

-protection form declining demand i home market:Many firms have been able to hedge against recessions at home&maintain their growth by expanding into foreign markets.

-Acquisition of raw materials:many firms import raw materials available to set up operation overseas.

-Acquisition of managerial know-how&capital:Enterprises must go abroad to obtain managerial know-how&capital the lack to meet expansion demands.

-Protection of home market:Many firms have internationalized their operations to protect their home markets.

-protection form imports:To remain competitive,domestic firms must transfer their production activities abroad to obtain the same advantages the foreign competitors enjoy.


Culture comprises a set of social norms&responses,that conditions people of behavior.Groups of individual pass down their customs&traditions from generation to generating.

2-Cross-national ethics:
Many cultures establish ethical principles that define "Right" &"wrong" conduct.The meaning may be differing from country to another.For example,the practice of bribery is acceptable in "Thailand" but not in "Untied states".

4-Cross national social responsibility:
It mean that a firm's actions must take into account not only to the stockholders but also to the employees&customers.

4-primary research:Is carried out to obtain first hand information about the environment.

5-Secondart research:
It means obtaining information that was gathered through primary research by other organizations.

كدة الاسئلة كلها خلصت و هايجي منها بإذن الله ثلاثة بالإضافة لواحد من الأسيمنت من دول "
1st :International business skills and How it remains competitiveness of global markets

2nd :Factors affecting practice of international business

3rd :Internet generates many opportunities for international business . write and essay the previous statement"
لا تنسونا بصالح دوعائكم و لا تنسوا التعليق بالله عليكم في صندوق التعليقات بالأسفل و سلام عليكم.
By Ahmed Saeed


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