First questions "true&false questions and why?"
1-Implementation ill growing can't take place in the observe of agreement (F)
-Because "it take place with agreement"
2-According to the traditional view a budget deficit has no effect on interest rates (F)
-Because "budget deficit has effects on interest rate"
3-When a tax is shifted this legally liable for payment tax get losses (F)
-Because "tax get gain"
4-Extrnalities are a problem due to their effects on the distribution of national in the economy (F)
Because "their effects on the efficiency of the market"
Second assignment questions:-
1-how is public finance defined ?
2-the allocation of resouces between government and privat use?
or how is the opportunt cost of gover active measured?
3-draw circular how diagram for mixed economy?
1-define and distingish postive and normative economic analysis?
2-whatis meant be the efficince criteria ?
what is an externalits?
2-types of externalts??
1-what fetures distngwish apure good ?
2-discuss the mix demand for apure public good?
3-define the condition rquired for lindle equilibrium?
4-compare and contract volumntary and complosory finance of pure public goods ?
ch 5
1-1-explain the concept of political equilbrum?
and what are its determints?
2-descripe the nature of logrolling and implicit logrolling ?
3-what hole does beaur cauracy play in mangment of gover ?
1-how does the ability to pay principle of taxation differ from the beneft from one?
explain the differ betweeen horizontal equity and vewtical one ???
2-how can inflation be viewed to as aform of taxiation?
3-what are the user change,how can user changes be used to both finance servisces and ration their use ?
ch 11
1-what is lump-sum tax ? does distorting the price in
the mkt if not what is its effects?
2-compare and contrast units and valarem taxes and their effect of mkt equilibrium?
3-descripe the use of the loren z curve l.c and gini cofficient in
evaluating the distribution of income ?
ch 12
1-what are the differ types of budget deficit . how
can we measure it ?
2-descripe the differ types of gov. debt .. how does
their economic implecation differs ???
1-Implementation ill growing can't take place in the observe of agreement (F)
-Because "it take place with agreement"
2-According to the traditional view a budget deficit has no effect on interest rates (F)
-Because "budget deficit has effects on interest rate"
3-When a tax is shifted this legally liable for payment tax get losses (F)
-Because "tax get gain"
4-Extrnalities are a problem due to their effects on the distribution of national in the economy (F)
Because "their effects on the efficiency of the market"
Second assignment questions:-
1-how is public finance defined ?
2-the allocation of resouces between government and privat use?
or how is the opportunt cost of gover active measured?
3-draw circular how diagram for mixed economy?
1-define and distingish postive and normative economic analysis?
2-whatis meant be the efficince criteria ?
what is an externalits?
2-types of externalts??
1-what fetures distngwish apure good ?
2-discuss the mix demand for apure public good?
3-define the condition rquired for lindle equilibrium?
4-compare and contract volumntary and complosory finance of pure public goods ?
ch 5
1-1-explain the concept of political equilbrum?
and what are its determints?
2-descripe the nature of logrolling and implicit logrolling ?
3-what hole does beaur cauracy play in mangment of gover ?
1-how does the ability to pay principle of taxation differ from the beneft from one?
explain the differ betweeen horizontal equity and vewtical one ???
2-how can inflation be viewed to as aform of taxiation?
3-what are the user change,how can user changes be used to both finance servisces and ration their use ?
ch 11
1-what is lump-sum tax ? does distorting the price in
the mkt if not what is its effects?
2-compare and contrast units and valarem taxes and their effect of mkt equilibrium?
3-descripe the use of the loren z curve l.c and gini cofficient in
evaluating the distribution of income ?
ch 12
1-what are the differ types of budget deficit . how
can we measure it ?
2-descripe the differ types of gov. debt .. how does
their economic implecation differs ???
Note : الدكتور
العقاد قال ان الامتحان اربع اسئلة لو سؤال صح و غلط مع التعليل و اللي
"3" اسئلة بنسبة 95% من الاسينمنت بس احتياطي ذاكر كله و برضوة خلي بالك
من اسئلة الاسينمنت بتاعت شابتر 3 و اهم حاجة الاسئلة بتاعت شابتر "5" دي
اياد قال انها مهمة قوي.
لا تنسونا بصالح الدعاء و لا تنسوا التعليق على الموضوع بالأسفل بالله عليكم
By Ahmed Saeed
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