First before midterm:- 


1-Explain how the international
management process affected by the culture of foreign countries ?


a-the impact of culture on international planning:The international planning function is affected by the various ideas on which normative culture concept are based (encouraging improvement&change,forecasting,controlling destiny).

b-the impact of culture on international organizing:It helps to attain its goals&objectives by determining what tasks need to be done&how authority should be delegated organizing across countries is affected by the culture views held by the society.

c-the impact of culture on international staffing:The culture views held by society have an act on international staffing strategies&policies such as select family members.

d-the impact of culture on international coordinating:It includes individual motivating,communicating,&resolving conflicts.Culture also affects this managerial function (some cultures believe in wide sharing in decision making,other encourage international communications.

e-the impact of culture on international controlling:Controlling is the act of evaluating the performance.Establishing controlling mechanisms across countries is also affected by the culture views held by the society's members,such as on emotional&mystical.

2-How technology advances international management practices ?


Technological advance such as internet&electronic commerce affect international management.reshaping how business thinks about managing its employees.The internet's compression to rethink these patterns,for example employees located throughout the globe can now work in teams>

3-Explain how can global managers face some unethical practices across the internet ?


Global network system needs to be secure against malicious use misuse,and data corruption while protecting the privacy of its users and intellectual property of the vendors.

4-Mention some examples of the common issues of the legal environment that must be given special attention when transact business in foreign country ?


1-retail price maintenance laws.
2-cncellation of distributor wholesaler agreements.
3-product quality regulation&controls.
4-packaging laws.
5-rules of competition.
6-warranty&after-sales exposure.
7-price control,limitation on markups or markdowns.
8-Parents,trademarks&copy rights laws and practices.
___________________________________________________________________________ _

5-Discuss the reasons of internationalizing business operations ?


A-Opportunity reasons:

-Greater profits:many domestic firms have internationalized their operations because managers saw the opportunity to earn greater profits by charging higher prices in the foreign country where a high demand for the product or services or where less competition or where labor was cheaper&where materials cost less than home.

-Appearance of news markets:Population expansion,income growth&technological advancements around the globe have created news markets and demands.

-faster growth in new markets:many organizations often foreign markets becuse because they can grow at faster rate there than they can do in domestic market.

-Obtaining news product for the domestic market:Many individuals from the home market travel abroad&develop a desire for a product that they would like to have available in their home they can obtain product for domestic consumers.

-globalization of financial  markets:Monetary fund,created by The United Nations to encourage&aid world trade and encouraging the extension of loans to less-developed countries.

B-Threat reasons:

-protection form declining demand i home market:Many firms have been able to hedge against recessions at home&maintain their growth by expanding into foreign markets.

-Acquisition of raw materials:many firms import raw materials available to set up operation overseas.

-Acquisition of managerial know-how&capital:Enterprises must go abroad to obtain managerial know-how&capital the lack to meet expansion demands.

-Protection of home market:Many firms have internationalized their operations to protect their home markets.

-protection form imports:To remain competitive,domestic firms must transfer their production activities abroad to obtain the same advantages the foreign competitors enjoy.


Culture comprises a set of social norms&responses,that conditions people of behavior.Groups of individual pass down their customs&traditions from generation to generating.

2-Cross-national ethics:
Many cultures establish ethical principles that define "Right" &"wrong" conduct.The meaning may be differing from country to another.For example,the practice of bribery is acceptable in "Thailand" but not in "Untied states".

4-Cross national social responsibility:
It mean that a firm's actions must take into account not only to the stockholders but also to the employees&customers.

4-primary research:Is carried out to obtain first hand information about the environment.

5-Secondart research:
It means obtaining information that was gathered through primary research by other organizations.

Second After midterm:-

Q1:the basic dimensions of international business enterprise?
-The three basic dimensions of an international business enterprise are.
1st-Technical or product needs:are specialized factors such as construction operation manufacturing research&development,special knowledge and experience.
2nd: Functional needs:are special knowledge of such function as personal ,planning,purchasing and financing.
3rd: Regional or environment needs:are special knowledge of areas such as the foreign government,ploitics (trends and economy).
-To develop the means to make effective decisions,the Int'l organizational throughout the organization.
Q2:Reasons for the failure of many expatriates in their foreign assignment?  
1-The physical and social environment: expenditures often encounter adaptation problems caused by both the physical and socio culture environments.
2-Varying technical sophistication: expenditures often encounter differences in technical sophistication in the foreign country,When they attempt to apply successful home-country managerial and organizational principles in the foreign country.
3-Compant-country conflicting objectives and policies: expatriates also encounter difficulties because they are links b/w corporate headquarters and the foreign subsidiary and because they are responsible for implementing the objectives and policies formulated by home office.

4-Over-centralization: expatriates face another problem when the home office over-centralization decision making,if the expatriate manager lacks authority,he loses credibility in the yes of locals.

5-Gender: Still another problem is cultural resistance to expatriate women managers.Cultural biases against women in some host countries using a female expatriate are becoming less and less of problem especially when she is viewed by locals as having the authority to make decision.

6-Inadequate repatriation programs: Is a special problem.the returned finds that he or she missed opportunities in the organization.An investigation showed that returning managers encountered problems because important career and professional opportunities had passed them by.

7-Pitfalls in the human resources planning function: the above reasons for expatriate failure stem in part from poor human resources planning.The human resources planning function in many U.S. limitations such as:

  • Lesser role Assigned to Human Resources Planning.
  • Inadequate Selection Criteria for Foreign Assignments.
  • Failure to Consider the Family Situation Factor.
  • Lack of Adequate training for Foreign Assignments.
  • Duration of Assignment and Performance Evaluation.
Q3 how can we reduce expatriates failure?
By: Selection the Right Expatriate:
Expatriate failure can be reduced by selection the right person for the assignment.
  1. Assessing Expatriates Effectiveness Potential: Foreign assignment require certain characteristics that would not be required for local assignments.To be effective expatriate managers must listen well, be patient, and have respect,and open-minded person, flexible and tolerant of other ways of doing things. There are some techniques available to test the strengths and weakness such as psychological tests and evaluation techniques.
  2. Finding and Developing Global Expatriates: many international business enterprises especially global corporations require a groups of executives who read to perform effectively in foreign assignments when and where needed.
  3. Expatriate Preparation Programs:International business require an expatriate program such a program (preparation programs)
  4. Expatriate Compensation: International firms need to establish policies for effective management of expatriate compensation. To do require knowledge of the foreign country's laws,customs, environment and employment practices,as well an understanding of the effects of the currency exchange fluctuatuins and inflation on compensation.

Q4 : Explain factors affect the decision of within establish or the centralized headquarters foreign subsidiary?

  1. In a centralized system,most of the important decision relative to local matters are made by the headquarters management.In a decentralized system,managers at the subsidiary are given the autonomy to make most of the important decisions relative to local matters.
  2. On decentralization local managers are closer to the market they are able to keep abreast of local changers better than headquarters managers.
  3. on the other hand,when decision making is decentralized judgments made by local managers may sometimes have negative consequences for other subsidiaries&may not be the best decision wen the overall firm's objectives are considered on the other hand,centralized controls requiring local managers to obtain permission to apply their creativity may actually inhibit local initiatives that would benefit the overall organization
  4. when an organization adopts an approach it does not adhere to it rigidly,it changes approaches when needed. For example,when an enterprise operating on a decentralized basis in confronted with the need to will centralize decision making.But after the transformation has been accomplished central management may again decentralized decision making to the local subsidiaries to enable them to establish a strong local presence.
Q5: how can an org. achieve TQM "total quality management"?
TQM means an organization being more efficient & effective than its competitors. This can be achieved through:
  1. the ability to infuse customer-centered innovation into every thing they do.
  2. Creating new markets, products& services.
  3.  Creating new business opportunities.
  4. Creating new reward system for employee and customers.
  5. Creating new value of customers.
B)Responsive to customer needs:

  The TQM organization to be Effective its managers should know the needs of the world to provide. So the satisfaction of customer must lie with all employees at all levels. And the current technology will aid to maintain this ability.

C)Continually gathers information:

  The effective TQM should gather information from many parts of the world to know what customers want,where&when.
D)cooperates&collaborates with internal& external units:
  The effective TQM organization developed a culture in which there is much corporation,communication&collaboration among individuals withing organization and the other organization.
E)External cooperation&collaboration:
  Organization attain greater efficiency by forming mutually beneficial alliances between internal resources as divisions and external resources as governments.
1-flat structure: regardless of which structure is used, it should bee as flat as a possible. That is should have managerial layers than traditional hierarchical organizations. The flatter structure means that managers have to communicate with more subordinates has been made possible by the enormous advancements in communications technologies.
2-team empowerment: Effective organization consist of smaller, more adaptable,interdependent, parallel problem-solving& information sharing (team self management) the basic idea of it is that memebers of the team possess a high degree of decisional autonomy and control of activities.
2-TQM "total quality management": means an organization being more efficient& effective than its competitors.this can be achieved through:
  1. the ability to infuse customer-centered innovation into every thing they do.
  2. Creating new markets, Product&service.
  3.  Creating new business opportunities.
  4.  Creating new reward system for employee and customers.
  5.  Creating new value of customers.

Third assignment questions:-

1st :International business skills and How it remains competitiveness of global markets

2nd :Factors affecting practice of international business

3rd :Internet generates many opportunities for international business . write and essay the previous statement

4 - evaluate the egyptian advertising and media programs

5- the effect of culture in marketing policies according to the difference b/w companies

6 - growth opportunity

Plus on question from assignment + the case of  Questionnaire Design>>>
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