Map of USA highlighting states with no income ...
Map of USA highlighting states with no income tax on wages (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The most important economic problems of the Arab Republic of Egypt

  Reports were issued for economic growth in Egypt, whether domestic or international misleading, where she focused on Tribute growth rates in absolute terms, without touch on two things very important; first is the sources of this growth, which was mostly marginal or rents, in While the declining relative importance of the productive base, whether industrial or agricultural of the Egyptian economy clearly, so that became Egypt currently lacks the production base commensurate with the resources you have, especially human resource. He drew the former regime much attention to the service sectors and sectors is produced, and was attention to housing luxury, and the development of beaches and building resorts at the time were imported by Egypt much of the consumer goods, machinery and equipment and food, which is reflected in the huge deficit in the balance of trade.

  The second thing is the distribution of this growth, or rather benefited from this growth? This was growth at the expense of justice assumed in the distribution of income among groups Aldkhalah different, down status of the middle class and that they constitute the majority of the Egyptian people when he received the former regime of governance, and became the gap between groups Aldkhalah high and the poor and very wide, has been recognized by international institutions such as the Fund International Monetary that reports on economic growth in Egypt were not accurate, because it focused on the rates of growth in absolute terms, without taking into account the distribution criteria or considerations of justice resulting from this growth.

  Due to lack of productive base lived Egypt, and still, long periods spread where inflationary pressures are widely, and that helped to deepen weak revenue base of the State and that caused the deficit continues to the state budget, which was be funded partly through version new cash, which fueling inflationary pressures. Given the exceptional circumstances experienced by Egypt currently expected to deepen the pressure more in the next stage
Of the most serious challenges facing Egypt now and in the future is the high unemployment rates, for many reasons such as lack of appropriate education strategy current labor market requirements, particularly university education, on the other hand, the investment operations that are currently in the Egyptian economy does not create enough jobs for new entrants to the labor market, was supposed to focus on investment strategies-intensive activities to the work item. A large number of new entrants to the labor market from all sources currently serving long periods in the case of unemployment in search of work who do not find often, and in front of these pressures forced many young people to either emigration or accept jobs that do not conform with the qualifications and skills, or work in the informal sector of the Egyptian economy, which represents a huge waste of resources spent by the state on the rehabilitation operations. The problem faced by the policy maker in Egypt is that the proportion of young people is extremely high, and year after year increase, new entrants to the labor market, and all the process of creating the post of additional require the need to spend an investment depends on what it is called in the economy labs marginal capital / labor , any level of capital expenditure required to create additional jobs. Taking into account the current levels of unemployment, dealing with the problem of unemployment in the future will require the need for massive investment exceed the capabilities of the Egyptian economy is, no doubt that the stability of Egypt's economic future will require the need to create a sufficient number of productive jobs for millions of unemployed now, and entrants new to the labor market, no doubt that this will not be an easy task, and requires an integrated drawing up plans for development in the various productive sectors in the Egyptian economy, accompanied by effective policies to attract foreign investments in the intensive industries to the work item.

  Level financial Egypt faces another challenge associated with elevated deficit in the general budget, which in some cases up to 9% of GDP, a very high percentage, and impose on Egypt, in light of weak tax base by resorting to borrowing, both domestic and or external, no doubt that the continuation of this deficit an increasingly means that the current growth in public debt, whether local or foreign will not be sustainable, and is expected to tend the deficit upward clearly in the period after the revolution, before that Egypt is working to raise revenue and rationalizing public expenditure in order to control the growth in its general budget. Despite the tax structure intensive very adopted by Egypt now, but the revenue tax is low in general, does not exceed 15% of GDP, which in this way less than the levels achieved in most of the developed world, including the developed and developing, which reflects The fact that taxes, the intensity, do not get, and that there is tax evasion practiced widely in the State by financiers and with the help of the government apparatus, which imposes and gets the tax, and the tax system is not efficient and effective appropriate.

On the other hand facing Egypt traditionally deficit continues and aggravated in the balance of payments, particularly in the trade balance (exports of goods and merchandise imports), there is a lack of foreign exchange earnings from exports to cover the needs of Egypt's imports from abroad. Although the balance of invisible transactions (exports and imports of services) in surplus, but this surplus, unfortunately not enough to cover the gap of imports in the trade balance, so Egypt resort to borrowing on an ongoing basis to cover the deficit in the balance of payments.

  Facing the business environment in Egypt a serious obstacle is the widespread corruption widely and became a negative impact on resource allocation processes and how they are distributed among the various parties in the state, as corruption has become threatening investors' appetite for investment in Egypt, especially foreign investment. The reports issued by Transparency International to decline arrangement MIB in the fight against corruption, no doubt that the most important challenges facing Egypt in the future is how to earn battle against rampant corruption deeply throughout the state administrative apparatus, especially with the low level of salaries obtained workers in the state and ignore the former regime for these real ongoing basis and not work hard to improve the conditions of these workers, since the workers in the state they should measure a living somehow, it has spread bribery and other forms of corruption on a massive scale.

  Finally is poor infrastructure and deteriorating level of one of the most dangerous challenges facing Egypt in order to push production levels and competitiveness, Vqtaat such as health, education, water, electricity, roads, transportation, telecommunications, airports and ports ... Etc., need to improve their massive upgradation very low now, and that put Egypt at the center of low as receptor for foreign investment or a provider of services in particular tourism services, but I doubt that Egypt needs to invest in its infrastructure with a low level, a task will require budgets Huge may not post Egypt fulfilled self at the moment, and you will need Egypt to help the international financial institutions and regional to raise their ability to invest in infrastructure needed for growth, and not will remain weak infrastructure in the Egyptian economy the most important constraints on its progress and growth and higher levels of competitiveness

These are the main problems facing Egypt now, there's no doubt that there are other issues pressing, such as widespread poverty, and the spread of a culture of profiteering and earning quick and spread bureaucratic and centralized decision-making and other problems that shackle the Egyptian economy and prevent its launch forward to become Egypt among the countries emerging in the world, such as Malaysia, North Korea, and that at least Egypt for these countries in terms of resources and capabilities, but the fundamental problem facing the Egyptian economy is in bad routing process and management of resources.


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